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Saturday, March 29, 2008


Attended Mindchamps today and i encountered something really really disturbing. Some people just have nothing good to say, i mean if you've got nothing good to say just SHUT UP!!! Nobody cares!!! And WTH? Do you know with every sentence spoken from your mouth is actually an insult? WE DON'T CARE HOW MUCH YOU KNOW!!! COULD YOU STOP BEING AN ASS? DArn Finally let it out. And some people just don't know when to shut their mouths, doesn't mean you have a higher education cert than me means u can talk down to me. One example, some people could blatantly insult you in front of the whole class without a given thought? Of course i wasn't victimized but, it wasn't nice to see it either. And GOODNESS!!! PLEASE STOP THINKING UR SMARTER THAN EVERYONE!!! And if ur reading this its probably not you I'm talking about :D.

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